More Than Milk: What You Need to Build and Keep Strong BonesPrenatal Pregnancy: Your Questions, Answered

Pregnancy is both a stressful, and wonderful, time. As a mom, you probably have loads of questions about what's happening, what to expect, and how to make your pregnancy and delivery as safe and comfortable as possible. In your quest for answers, you're probably receiving advice from family and friends, not to mention perfect strangers.
Prenatal Chiropractic care is a great addition to any birth plan. Chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy can increase your comfort, help move the baby into a correct position, and reduce the aches and pains associated with pregnancy.
But, we know you have questions. So, we'd love to chat with you one-on-one to discuss how prenatal Chiropractic can benefit you personally. Until then, though, we'll answer your frequently asked questions about Chiropractic during pregnancy here:
Is Chiropractic safe during pregnancy?
Absolutely. According to the American Pregnancy Association, there are no known adverse side effects to Chiropractic care during pregnancy. Additionally, every Chiropractor is trained to work with women who are pregnant. At Swenson Chiropractic, we're specially trained and certified in the Webster Technique and always avoid unneeded pressure on the abdomen during our adjustments.
Is Chiropractic comfortable during pregnancy?
Yes! We have special tables that make room for your growing belly, in addition to pregnancy pillows to make sure you're aligned, and comfortable, during adjustments.
What are the health benefits of prenatal Chiropractic?
In addition to helping you manage pain, Chiropractic can benefit your pregnancy in many other ways, including:
- Maintain a healthier pregnancy
- Decrease back and pelvic pain
- Control symptoms of nausea
- Increase pelvic space to allow for baby's comfortable growth
- Facilitating labor and delivery
- Decreased labor time
- Increased ease and comfort during labor
- Prevent a potential cesarean delivery
Talk with Advanced Chiropractic directly to learn more about the benefits you personally
could experience with a prenatal Chiropractic plan.
Why should I have Chiropractic care while I'm pregnant?
When you become pregnant, your body makes physiological and endocrinological adjustments to make an ideal environment for your growing baby. Not only do many of these changes cause emotional stress, they can affect your body as well, misaligning the spine.
Prenatal Chiropractic can help manage the changes pregnancy causes and establish pelvic balance. In addition, when you keep the spine aligned, you help your entire body work more effectively. Chiropractic during pregnancy can alleviate discomforts common during pregnancy (lower back pain, changes in center of gravity as weight shifts frontward, and discomforts as your body gains pregnancy weight) and encourages overall wellness.
Are you interested in learning more about prenatal Chiropractic? We encourage you to call us with your questions, at Advanced Chiropractic, we're happy to help!
Additional Prenatal Chiropractic Resources:
American Pregnancy Association
International Chiropractic Pediatric Association
8:00am - 5:30pm
8:00am - 5:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 5:30pm
Advanced Chiropractic
2485 Maplewood Drive #215
Maplewood, MN 55109
Phone (651) 770-7938
Fax (651) 765-0995