More Than Milk: What You Need to Build and Keep Strong Bones

We've all seen the commercials for medications to help prevent osteoporosis and have been touted the benefits of taking calcium supplements. But, is that all there is to it?
Not quite.
In addition to calcium, there are numerous other nutrients and activities that support bone health.
A quick bone lesson:
Your bones (and teeth) are actually living tissue: "they contain nerves, blood vessels, and marrow where blood cells are created. Bones are constantly tearing down and rebuilding themselves, like a freeway construction project that never ends. Without this repair and reinforcement of even minor weak spots, we would break bones on a regular basis." (Lawrence, Web MD)
The thing is, when you're younger, the building-up process out-paces the break-down process. This cycle reverses once you reach a peak bone mass in between 25 and 35 years of age (depending on your genetics, gender, and nervous system).
Research shows that you can reduce your risk for bone disease by achieving a higher bone mass.
The best way to build strong bones and maintain bone health:
The old mantra, "use it or lose it" is apt when describing bone health. If you want your bones to remain strong, a consistent exercise regimen should do the trick.
Activities like running, walking, hiking, dancing, tennis, and soccer are great weight-bearing aerobic exercises that encourage bone growth. Combine any of those with strength training activities like weight-lifting, resistance-band training, or water aerobics and you've developed a bone-strengthening exercise routine.
The bottom line? YOU have great control over your bone health. With the simple additions to your diet and exercise regimen above, you'll be well on your way toward strong, healthy bones.
Build bones through whole foods:
Of course, a well-balanced diet will go a long way toward building strong bones. But, if you're focusing specifically on bone health, be sure to keep these nutrients in mind.
You can get calcium through low-fat milk, yogurt, broccoli, cooked kale, collard greens, spinach, almonds, sesame seeds, and tofu.
Vitamin D
Surprisingly, the best way to get vitamin D is by going outside. Annemarie Colbin, PhD, recommends getting about 20 minutes a day with no sunblock, though other professionals caution against going outside without sunscreen. You can also get vitamin D through fortified milk, fortified orange juice, and supplements.
Whole grains, broccoli, squash, nuts, dairy products, and chocolate are great ways to get magnesium.
Vitamin C
Of course, we know that citrus fruits are great providers of vitamin C, but you can also get this super-nutrient through broccoli, bell peppers, kale, cauliflower, strawberries, brussels sprouts, papaya, cabbage, spinach, kiwi, and tomatoes.
Vitamin K
Get your vitamin K through dark, leafy vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, spinach, brussels sprouts, and turnip greens.
Don't overlook Zinc for strong bones! You can get this nutrient by consuming poultry, lean red meats, fish, eggs, legumes, and whole grain bread.
Finally, partner with a Chiropractor:
In order to exercise and process the healthy foods that build strong bones, your body needs to be functioning optimally. A Chiropractor removes the interference's within your system so you can receive all the benefits of a healthy diet, your cells can reproduce and rebuild, and you have the energy to go out and exercise. The result? When added to healthy eating and an exercise regimen, Chiropractic rounds out a complete and comprehensive program to build and maintain healthy bones.
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8:00am - 5:30pm
Advanced Chiropractic
2485 Maplewood Drive #215
Maplewood, MN 55109
Phone (651) 770-7938
Fax (651) 765-0995